Moving your body to music has a special place in my heart. Moving how ever you want symbolizes for me the freedom to be who you are. As a dancer it helps me to relax my body and be in the moment.
My best Ecstatic Dance experience is when I find my self in a never ending dance, when I’m fully present in my body and I become one with the music. I’m not thinking about how to move, my body is moved by the music.
The first time I experienced this it instantly inspired me to become a DJ. I wanted to share that kind of ecstasy and facilitate sparkling Ecstatic Dance journeys.
"As a DJ I'm on a never ending search for the most profound dance music. I also produce my own music, because it allows me to express myself in a world of unbound sonic possibilities. I love to learn new things and currently music is my favorite playground.
I hope my music inspires your body to move in ways that it makes you feel alive."
"From first hand experience I know that we are conscious beings, that are currently incarnated in a human body. I guess I always knew, mostly forgot about it while growing up and struggled quite a bit while doing so.
At 28 I rediscovered that life is so much easier when lived consciously from the soul. It may sound simple, but it has been, and still is, quite a journey. Daily meditation and yoga exercises help me to reconnect with spirit and ground my presence in this male body.
At this moment in time, dance music is my great passion. Yet I know that there is more up my sleeve. I expect more and more will surface in the upcoming years."
The Bravon logo features a horse with wings, known as Pegasus. It’s a creature from Greek mythology, often referred to as messenger of the gods or the traveler between worlds.
Pegasus came to me through the necklace in the picture. The mala is handmade by a person who tuned into my essence and felt a strong connection to Pegasus. I never thought about my self as a traveler between worlds, but it seems to fit very well. I easily connect with people from al kinds of backgrounds, because I can step into their world.
As you can imagine this is a beautiful gift, but it makes life quite a challenge as well, because I get over stimulated quite easily. Instead of being a victim of my sensitivity I’m learning how I can put it to use.
Thank you for your question :-) Bravon will reply as soon as possible.